
Nursing vs. 医疗管理

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护理与护理的区别. 医疗管理

Healthcare occupations, including nursing and healthcare administration, are in high demand. In fact, healthcare is projected to add more jobs than any other occupational group according to the 劳工统计局. 在医疗机构工作吗, 要么直接面对病人,要么在幕后, interest you? If so, it’s worth learning about the different educational pathways and career opportunities for nurses and healthcare administrators to see which one is the right fit for you.


成为一名护士有不同的途径. 一些护士从注册护士助理(CNAs)做起。. Working as a CNA offers you entry-level experience in a healthcare setting. 获得认证为CNA, 你需要完成一些培训, but you don’t need to start your career in nursing as a nursing assistant. 刚接触护理的学生也可以选择 成为持牌执业护士(LPN) or 注册护士(注册护士).

LPNs and RNs 在病人护理中有独特的角色和责任, 注册护士的执业范围更广. 护士可以从LPN开始他们的职业生涯, 争取获得护理专业的副学士或学士学位, and become an RN. You do not need to become an LPN before RN – you can enroll in a nursing degree program without any prior experience as an LPN or CNA.

cna, lpn和RNS做什么?

These types of nurses are responsible for a wide variety of roles and responsibilities in patient care:

  • CNAs帮助患者进行基本的生活活动,如洗澡, getting dressed, using the toilet, 饮食. They can also take vital signs such as blood pressure or temperature.
  • LPNs work closely with registered nurses and typically have a wider scope of practice than CNAs depending on the state, 包括收集病人资料, 协助医疗程序, changing bandages, or inserting IVs.
  • 注册护士协助完成更高级的日常任务, 包括提供医疗指导, 管理药物, monitoring patient progress and communicate between physicians and patients.


护士以外的护理工作有很多机会. Nurses seeking a greater role in the business of healthcare or would like to transition out of full-time patient care may pursue positions in nursing management, administration, or public health. These professionals combine both administrative and clinical nursing expertise to become highly valuable in helping healthcare organizations improve the delivery of healthcare.

Nurses can also consider roles as an educator or nurse practitioner. A nurse practitioner (NP) is an advanced practice nurse who works directly with patients, 但比注册护士有更大的角色和责任. There are many NP专业类型, including:

  • 家庭执业护士(FNP). These advanced nurses provide primary and specialty care to patients of all ages, 从儿童到成人. They examine, diagnose issues, and develop treatment plans for individuals. FNPs also teach patients about disease prevention and wellness care and make referrals to specialists. fnp通常在各种环境中工作, 包括医院, clinics, doctor's offices, 甚至是健康保险组织.
  • 精神科精神健康执业护士(PMHNP). 这些NPs专门研究精神疾病和精神障碍, providing holistic care for patients experiencing issues such as depression, anxiety, 失眠等等.

Nurse educators 在临床或学术环境中工作(有时两者都有), 负责培训下一代护士.


要成为注册护士,你需要获得一个 护理学副学士 or 护理学学士学位,大约需要2-3年(有时更短)。. We now offer an 为没有注册护士经验的学生提供在线BSN课程, including clinicals and an intensive experiences designed to help you gain practical working experience before your first RN job.

成为一名LPN需要获得一个 实用护理文凭这通常需要1年左右的时间. Herzing offers many degree options for both students new to nursing and current nurses, 你是否考虑从 LPN to BSN or RN to BSN. 希望拓展知识的cna go from CNA to RN 可以考虑ASN或BSN计划吗.

获得高级护理职位的资格, 你需要成为注册护士(RN), 获得学士学位或类似学位, 获得工作经验. You can also earn a 护理学硕士(MSN) and/or 护理实践博士(DNP) to best qualify for upper-level nursing jobs such as nurse practitioner, 护士教育者或护士经理/管理员.

Nursing represents a broad field and does offer opportunity to emphasize on the administrative side of healthcare if you choose to pursue it.


Healthcare administration encompasses a wide variety of behind-the-scenes roles in the delivery of healthcare, 包括计费和编码, 医疗记录的保存, 秘书和簿记职责, 以及管理和行政方面的高级角色. 

One of the most important things you can do as a healthcare administrator is make sure you run a well-organized facility, 为了你的病人和员工. 作为一名医疗保健管理员, you will need leadership and supervisory skills to manage a wide scope of projects and personnel. 您还必须能够协调一系列服务, as well as budgets, 以确保患者和组织获得良好的价值.

而医疗管理人员通常在医院工作, clinics, or nursing homes, 他们也可能在学区或教学医院工作.


医疗保健管理员可以从入门级医疗保健角色开始, 比如医疗秘书或办公室助理. A 医务室管理 or 医疗保健管理计划 提供基本的医学术语基础知识, 卫生政策和程序, 以及HIPAA等患者隐私规则的信息. This comprehensive educational background can prepare you for entry-level positions within hospitals, clinics, or nursing homes.

积累了经验后,你可以去追求一个职业 医疗保健管理学士学位,这可以帮助你继续推进你的职业生涯. This provides students more focused education in the areas of healthcare finance, medical ethics, 人力资源等.

Healthcare administration focuses on individual departments and budgets, 日常操作, and staffing, 标题包括:

  • Clinic Director
  • 临终关怀主任
  • 健康服务经理
  • 实践管理员
  • 医疗记录经理
  • 实习或办公室经理

For healthcare administrators or managers who would like to advance to higher-level positions, 比如副总裁, 首席运营官, or executive, a 医疗管理硕士学位 or a 工商管理硕士学位 can be beneficial. 


医疗保健工作的需求正在增加. 你是否愿意作为护士直接与病人打交道, or provide more behind-the-scenes management as a healthcare administrator, 你可以对许多人的生活产生积极的影响.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook Handbook 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. Multiple factors, 包括之前的经验, age, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the average salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, promotion, 加薪或其他职业发展.


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